Welcome to my Website!
This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
Art TumblrHere's how to make a list:
- First thing
- Second thing
- Third thing
oh this is neat as hell, i'm saving this to look at later.
To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!
testing out writing something myself
- /index.html
- /not_found.html
- /page1.html
- /EmergentBehavior/emergence.html
- /EmergentBehavior/emergentbehavior2.html
- /EmergentBehavior/life.html
- /art/art-main.html
- /art/scraps/blender/blender-2022.html
- /DEV/DEVtest.html
- /DEV/09-04-22-DEV.html
- /DEV/09-08-22%20DEV.html
- /DEV/09-08-22%20DEV/home.html
- /DEV/09-08-22%20DEV/page1.html
- /DEV/09-08-22%20DEV/testing1.html
- /DEV/8-30-22-DEV.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/9-28-22.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/accordion.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/articles.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/images.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/index-blank.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/nova.html
- /DEV/9-24-22-DEV/tagger.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/AmbientLightCube.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/CheckerBoardBackground.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/FallingStars.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/glowbottle.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/IsometricHoverGlow.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/MarineSnow.html
- /DEV/CSSFuckery/MouseParticles.html